Laughter 4 the Health of It! November 26, 2012

- Idea: The phrase Laughter is the Best Medicine is as commonplace as any phrase in the English language. In fact, scientific data supports that fact. Giggling and laughing help keep us healthy, reduce stress and stimulate brain chemistry. In this session laugh therapist Beverley Bender, MA., who is a certified laughter leader and trainer, will lead us in a session entitled Laughing 4 the Health of It! Her workshop features areas where we can find laughter every day, exercises that promote laughter, scientific research, and using laughter to promote camaraderie.
- Book to Read: Norman Cousins, American political journalist, author, professor and world peace advocate, was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and decided to take his health into his own hands. He moved out of the hospital and to a hotel room and among other approaches enjoyed a large supply of funny films including Candid Camera tapes and old prints of Marx Brother’s movies. His book, Anatomy of an Illness describes his journey to health. The diagnosis he received may be in doubt, and this will be an interesting debate.
- Other books:
Compassionate Laughter: Jest for Your Health by Patty Wooten, RN; and
Light Up with Laughter by Mike Moore
- Venue: Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Room
- Date: November 26, 2012, 7:00 to 8:30
- Team: Shirley Gilbert, Kathy Garfinkle, Genevieve Angelides, Jo Szeto, Anne MacCloud.
- Read about the Beverly Bender program.
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