A Spirited Feliz Navidad

About 35 Branch members welcomed the Holiday Season together.

by Kathy Garfinkle

An animated crowd of about 35 AAUW members and friends gathered for our annual Fremont Branch Holiday Social at La Pinata Restaurant in Fremont on Tuesday, December 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.  Blue and silver decorations made the room festive and were provided by Carol Easter.  There was also classical holiday background music thanks to Elin Thomas.

Guests enjoyed the opportunity to visit and feast on a menu of chips and salsa, zucchini, sopitos, quesadillas, taquitos, soft drinks and sangria.  Laughter and good wishes for a wonderful holiday lingered in the air as guests departed happy to be able to celebrate the season together.  Thank you Kathy Bray for chairing the event with the assistance of an able planning committee.