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Inspirational Discussion at First Methodist Church
By Anne MacLoud, with Pictures by Mary Lynn Pelican
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Lena Barncord, a featured speaker for the evening.
Eleven year old Lena Barncord from Temple Beth Torah moved an audience of 15 at the Hot, Flat and Crowded book discussion held Wednesday, March 16 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the First Methodist Church in Fremont. The book talk was led by Fremont Branch’s Martha Crowe and Florence Silver.
She read a speech from the book (page 457) given by a young Canadian girl, Severn Suzuki, at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro begging all those present and adults everywhere to think about the future and the coming generations and not deprive them of the diversity of plants, animals, clean air, etc. that might be lost through global warming.

Participants engage in a lively discussion at rectangular tables during the Hot, Flat and Crowded book discussion at the First Methodist Church.
Before her speech Jo Szeto, representing AAUW, introduced the book and the speakers to the audience who were seated at rectangular tables. Rather than break up into smaller groups, the participants discussed the book as one group. Two pages were distributed: one featured quotes from the book and the other had questions that were suggested by the book’s contents. These were used to facilitate the lively discussion that followed. Along with the good exchange of ideas, people also enjoyed the delicious refreshments.
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