…at this year’s Fellowship Luncheon on Saturday, February 7
by Kathy Garfinkle
AAUW Fellowship winner and keynote speaker Crystal Owney’s brave spirit and belief in herself helped her accomplish great things.

Attendees take a pause for a joyful toast.
About 60 members heard her presentation at the Fellowship Luncheon at the Sunol Valley Golf Club on Saturday, February 7. They were from Fremont, Hayward-Castro Valley and Livermore-Pleasanton-Dublin branches. Although it poured, the rain didn’t dampen spirits at the get together and the sun finally peaked through showing off the verdant golf course.

Linda Pearson and RoseMarie Everett visit before sitting down for lunch.
With the help of AAUW Crystal is a graduate student at Mills College majoring in finance and Mandarin. She is very grateful to AAUW for their help in making it possible for her to be in the graduate program. One of the expenditures she made with her fellowship money was to purchase a long-wished-for briefcase. It represented, to Crystal something concrete symbolizing her success to date. Crystal aspires to be her own venture capitalist investing only in corporations that are socially responsible.
The young woman seems wise beyond her years. “We’re dealt,” she said, “fifty-two cards and you must play with what you get.” It’s clear she believes in herself and is her own best champion. Most importantly, she reminds us all to have respect for all people in our diverse community.

Yesenia Cartagena sells raffle tickets to Norma Foas.
Members at the luncheon had an opportunity to announce a variety of exciting upcoming events. Jo Harberson from the Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek branch made her annual offer to match donations made that day to AAUW funds. And beautiful gift baskets were raffled off. The lucky winners were: Claire McDonald, Norma Foss, Hannah Burnet, Gloria Green, Jean Felton, Tempe Javvitz, Kelly Anderson and Kathy Garfinkle.

Lucky raffle basket winners strike a pose.
Helene Carr thanked everyone for attending the Tri-Branch luncheon. Attendees agreed that the luncheon not only had a dynamite speaker but also gave them an opportunity to mingle, greet each other and meet members from neighboring branches.