AAUW National only recognizes four elected positions for the board of directors–president, treasurer, AAUW Funds Chair, and STEM Chair. AAUW Fremont recognizes others: vice president, secretary, membership chair, membership treasurer, public policy chair, and program chair.
The job descriptions for president, treasurer, AAUW Funds Chair and STEM Chair are found on the AAUW website. Because they are subject to change without notice, the descriptions are left on the national website and not copied here.
Descriptions for vice president, secretary, membership chair, membership treasurer, public policy chair, and program chair are described below.
All officers must
- Be a branch member in good standing.
- Be responsible for maintaining liaison with the board.
- Be responsible for writing articles for the Twig when pertinent.
- Be able to handle money for AAUW events and submit a financial report showing a complete breakdown of income and expenses incurred by the event.
Job Descriptions
President: See the AAUW website.
Vice President: Responsibilities include
- Assuming the office of president in case of vacancy.
- Performing the duties of president when the president is unable to be present.
- Assisting the president in establishing special committees and task forces.
- Other duties as assigned.
Secretary: Responsibilities include:
- recording and keeping minutes of all board meetings and general meetings at which the members vote, including the Fall Brunch.
Treasurer: See the AAUW website.
AAUW Funds Chair: See the AAUW website.
STEM Chair: See the AAUW website.
Membership Chair: Responsibilities include
- Keeping track of new members
- Ensure that branch has comprehensive orientation program.
- Ensure that branch budget reflects membership priorities.
- Attend and participate in membership trainings via Webinars, workshops, and other opportunities.
- Recruit team to develop plan to identify, recruit, and retain members.
- Evaluate previous efforts, access local demographics, identify underrepresented groups to recruit.
Membership Treasurer Chair: Responsibilities include
- Encouraging members through advertising to renew their memberships on their own on the National website.
- Work with treasurer to ensure renewal payments, process of applications, and analyze reasons for non-renewals
- After renewal, giving checks to Branch Treasurer.
- Keeping track of how many members we have.
- Coordinating with Linda Pearson in preparing the Roster.
- Being sure any new members’ information is given to the President, Membership Chair, and Linda Pearson.
- Being sure that membership money is directed to the right place
Program Chair: Responsibilities include
- Planning and coordinating AAUW programs.
- Chairing program planning meetings.
- Arranging for venue, speakers, and/or entertainment.
- Assigning program duties.
- Overseeing reimbursements.
- Writing thank you notes.
Public Policy Chair (AAUW Action Fund): Responsibilities include
- Tracking AAUW California and National Policy
- Disseminating the information in a monthly column in the Twig and on the website